Sunday, November 29, 2009

New apartment

Sitting here in my couch at the moment missing my family. Feels so empty without them even thou we slept at different floors in the old house. But Im not used to live by myself but gonna have to now. And I like it. I like being independant. Anyways here's some pics, bad ones, from my new apartment. The flash kinda destroys everything but to lazy to take new ones.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tonights outfit

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Training for dummies!!!

sunday morning

Sitting here in me bed now taking a break from getting ready. Got out from the shower a lil while ago. Pretty cold now since I still havent any clothes on. But I got a reason for that! I blame the body lotion and deodorant! Dont wanna ruin my clothes so ill wait a little bit longer. But I can atleast put on make up at the same time. Havent had make up in a couple of days and now it feels good. Its actually fun today. I like make-uo maybe I should consider a make-up course or something. Would be so much fun!

Anyways I suck at updating my blog so I decided Im gonna do it atleast 1-2 times each day and Ill try to get some today outfit and stuff as well. Alot of things going on right now in my life so really didnt care about writing but Ill try more now.

Well off to finish this make-up then maybe some more dancing!
