Saturday, July 31, 2010

New pics from different occasions!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some pics from the latest party ^^

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Im so happy! I found someone special to me and I cant stop smiling when I think about him...

Problem is... He lives on the other side of the world! Ide really do anything to meet him! Really, it kills me that Im so far away! I blame my ancestors!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A beautiful sunday!

Just took a break from the sun for 5 minutes.. Need some shadow or i will die ^^ Its an amazing day today again and Im as happy as ever! Sry about the blogpost yesterday but used google translate to translate to english quick! Well Well

Had a dream about someone today, was a really really good dream! Woke up with a smile on my face. Lets hope this happiness last!

Well time to go out in the sun again and get some nice color... Chocolate color here I come!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


1st Do not lie to us, we may yet find out the truth.
2nd We dislike "talking dirty" just as much as you like to listen to it.
3rd Do not say you understand, when you do not understand a thing.
4th We girls are petty, it may live with you.
5th You do not have PMS, stop pretending like you know what that means.
6th Saying something sweet might save your skin. Doing something sweet save your skin - every time.
7th If you are talking about how it is to be well equipped, we know that you are not.
8th The size has some relevance.
9th We do not like when you play Mr. Big, but we like when you are Mr. Big.
10th A sound system in your car only impresses the guys - not us.
11th It does not matter what you say, your former girlfriend is a bitch.
12th It's good to be sensitive - sometimes.
13th If you have done wrong, or if you have not done wrong - apologize.
14th Was a bit resourceful, movies and / or dinner will give you is not always what you want!
15th We have low self-esteem of nature, we can not help it.
16th Fashion police is right! And he sees us ...
17th Ask ossi nte about a blowjob, if you're nice you might get one anyway.
18th We are not the least bit interested in monster trucks, hi-fi systems, paintball or anything else that you and your friends are talking about.
19th We need to get hugs and kisses every time we ask for it - and even when we are not asking for it.
20th We do not shave your legs every day, it's something you get used to.
21st Do not bet on us, we can always find out.
22nd Shave! No matter how cool you think it is the three-day - we hate it.
23rd Even if you think it's cool to burp, fart and let your body burst out in different sounds, it's not there.
24th Do not compare our breasts with Pamela Anderson, her're FAKE!
25th We are beautiful in the ground, but a little makeup helps further.
26th We will always think that we are overweight, so play along and say that we are not.
27th You can hit the basket in basketball, scoring a goal in soccer, putt a golf ball from eight feet and SMASH a ping-pong ball - why on earth you can not pee in the toilet?
28th Avallt Most importantly: we are always right. Never forget it.

1st Crying is equal to blackmail.
2nd Would you like something, ask! Small hints do not work.
3rd Never cut of your hair, never ever!
4th Sometimes we do not intend for you. Learn to live with it.
5th Get rid of your cat.
6th Things we said 6-8 months ago is not an argument to make a fuss.
7th All the clothes you put on your looks good. It's true!
8th Christopher Columbus had no guidelines, it neither do we.
9th You have too many pairs of shoes.
10th If you think you look fat out, then it is surely so. Do not ask us.
11th Learn to use the toilet lid, it is obvious, fold it down.
12th Select All Events in the common calendar.
13th Of course it's difficult to pee standing than sitting down. Sometime we miss, live with it!
14th Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers.
15th Headache in 17 months is a problem. Find a doctor.
16th Fake never. We are rather inefficient, instead of being ripped off.
17th Sundays and Mondays = Sports.
18th If you do not dress as your Pamela Anderson in Baywatch. Faith then is not that we will check out a bunch of soap operas with you.
19th If there is anything that can be understood in two ways, and one makes you sad and angry, then we meant the other.
20th Let's check out other girls. If we can not do it and how do we know how sweet and beautiful you are?
21st You can ask us to do one thing, or talk about how you want it to be. But not both.
22nd Girls who use push-up bra and low-low-necked blouses have no right to be angry when guys check out your chest.
23rd You have enough clothes.
24th Sex is the best way to say: I love you!