Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Sitting here in my couch now, not tired at all BUT my throat is really soar. And I dont like that!!

Anyways, been working now for some days and yesterday was my first day off work or school, felt good but didnt do much. I were way to tired for that, but tomorrow I REALLY gotta get some studying done. I feel so bad for not doing what I should have done already. But Im kinda tired of it since Im not sure if this is what I wanna do my entire life. Do I really wanna work with kids full time? I dont think so anymore. I think marketing or business is more my thing actually. Gonna talk to someone at the school and see what they think I should do. Doesnt feel good to study something I dont wanna work with later on.

Anyways tired now, gonna write more tomorrow and also gonna try to update every day. Gotta change the layout tomorrow also. Dont like this one!

Carpe Diem!